Journo Portfolio features a user directory including any user that meets certain requirements. We are currently doing a lot of work to improve the directory but at the moment users can be found by searching or by their tagged skills and specialisms.
The directory makes it easier to find other related writers, increases traffic to your portfolio and makes you more likely to be found by someone looking to employ or work with you.
To appear in the directory you must meet the following requirements:
- Have a profile image, even if your theme doesn't require one.
- Have a written bio about yourself on the settings page.
- Have at least 3 portfolio items on your portfolio
- If you are a pro user, not have your portfolio set to 'Private' or 'Secure link only'
You can disable your portfolio from appearing on your directory on the 'Directory' page under 'Settings'. You can also choose the skills and specialisms you should appear under: