A pro plan is needed to change the privacy options on your portfolio.
Access Options
The privacy options for your portfolio are found by going to the 'Settings' page in left sidebar in edit mode and clicking on the 'Privacy' page.
There are three options available:
- Public: the default and only option for free users, your portfolio is visible to anyone with your URL including search engines.
- Secure link: much like secure links used in other services only someone with the secure link will be able to access your portfolio. Everyone else will see page asking them to contact the owner for access. Be careful not to share your link in public if you want to keep it secure.
- Password protected: Only users with a password you set and give to them will be able to see your portfolio. For security, make sure you set it to a password which is not your account password and is not used for other accounts. The password and secure link options are great if you want to send a portfolio to prospective employers while keeping your portfolio private.

You can also set these privacy options on individual pages (but not your home page) and blog posts.
SEO Options
You can also set two switches:
Noindex option adds a meta tag telling search engines like Google not to crawl your site. This should prevent your site appearing in Search Engines. If your site is already in Google it will take some time to disappear.
No-referrer option adds a meta tag telling browsers to hide your site domain/url when someone clicks a link on your site. If this is not set the referrer header can pass on your site url/domain and therefore analytics installed on the clicked site may record your domain.